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DDP Management and Creation

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When creating a DocGen form with multiple checkboxes, please include an option to be to Select All options

We have a form with 40+ checkbox options which requires the ability to be able to "Select All" otherwise the user has to go through and select each option individually to get all items checked. This is affecting functionality in a critical busines...
Guest about 7 years ago in DDP Management and Creation 0 Open for voting

Please upgrade the use of static Ids on the formula fields

Please upgrade the use of static Ids on the formula fields and provide a way to effectively deploy them to rest of the environments. While using a lot of packages, it takes up a lot of manual effort and chances of error missing the ids are more.
Guest over 2 years ago in DDP Management and Creation 0 Open for voting

Allow Opportunity Contact Role to serve as starting object

Allowing OCR to serve as the starting object would allow a user to pull from both the Opportunity and Contact objects for a given OCR. Currently you need to use SOQL to do this.
Guest over 3 years ago in DDP Management and Creation 0 Open for voting