Require an attribute that could be reported on or tracked which captures the number of pages of pdf which Nintex renders in a given batch
Require an attribute that could be reported on or tracked which captures the number of pages of pdf which Nintex renders in a given batch. The general benefit to this is having an attribute that can be used to help keep track of how many pages the...
Support the TEXTJOIN function in Excel so writing formulas is less work. Make work less work....?
Formula using TEXTJOIN:
=TEXTJOIN(“, “,TRUE,I17:I26)
Formula without TEXTJOIN: =IF(L17=“”,“”,L17)&IF(L18=“”,“”,CONCATENATE(“, “&L18))&...
Nintex DocGen for Salesforce should have an option to stop sending scheduled report email when the report contains no records.
There should be an option box i.e. "Stop sending email when no records are found" in the Nintex DocGen package configuration for scheduled report type, and, when it is enabled, the Nintex DocGen should stop sending email to the users. In other wor...