How to select Contact while sending the email for Person Account
We are using person accounts and we need to generate documents and send the emails to person account's email address. But I dont see any contact get populated on the screen because its a Person Account.
Support the TEXTJOIN function in Excel so writing formulas is less work. Make work less work....?
Formula using TEXTJOIN:
=TEXTJOIN(“, “,TRUE,I17:I26)
Formula without TEXTJOIN: =IF(L17=“”,“”,L17)&IF(L18=“”,“”,CONCATENATE(“, “&L18))&...
When using the Classic version (VisualForce page) I am able to edit the body of the email generated using Word to Email template functionality. We need this in the DocGen Lightning Component.
Dynamically controlling the Field codes conversion to text
In the Docgen template, we have Field codes to dynamically render the text in the Document. we have scenarios where we might wanna download the doc in a word format, rather than a PDF. To ensure that a user can update the doc, we convert the field...
Currently functionality is limited to the objects related history per name, id, createdby, etc, but does not include the oldValue and newValue to show the actual updates.
With the oldValue and newValue available it will be able to use the package manager and field tagger to assign those fields to a template.
Please upgrade the use of static Ids on the formula fields
Please upgrade the use of static Ids on the formula fields and provide a way to effectively deploy them to rest of the environments. While using a lot of packages, it takes up a lot of manual effort and chances of error missing the ids are more.
Nintex DocGen for Salesforce should have an option to stop sending scheduled report email when the report contains no records.
There should be an option box i.e. "Stop sending email when no records are found" in the Nintex DocGen package configuration for scheduled report type, and, when it is enabled, the Nintex DocGen should stop sending email to the users. In other wor...
Build API into Drawloop that can be called by using apex only
It would be good if Drawloop could have API’s that could be called directly via apex without needing tables (external or otherwise) or drawloop packages either.
So the API would just pass the id of the document template, and the data to be mapped...
Allow Opportunity Contact Role to serve as starting object
Allowing OCR to serve as the starting object would allow a user to pull from both the Opportunity and Contact objects for a given OCR. Currently you need to use SOQL to do this.