prevent unhandleable attachments from appearing in list of ad hoc files
allow user to filter available/required 'ad hoc' object types (i.e., files vs feed item).
As it is, the checkbox list of available attachments that DocGen provides includes unhandleable object types that cause errors when selected. E.g.: "No Unknown record found matching id: 0D51T00006w0****** (MetadataInvalid) Include this Error Id if you contact support: b1cd6aff-f788-43e0-8e7f-328112ed3e9d"
The user has to engage in a process of trial and error in order to avoid the attachment options that will produce errors. this becomes unworkable when dealing with large numbers of attachments
Sep 8, 2022
Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. I'm opening this for voting and would love to hear any further you details you might like to share to help us improve your experience. Thanks!