prevent unhandleable attachments from appearing in list of ad hoc files
allow user to filter available/required 'ad hoc' object types (i.e., files vs feed item). As it is, the checkbox list of available attachments that DocGen provides includes unhandleable object types that cause errors when selected. E.g.:"No Unknow...
Report on DocGen Templates included in each generation
Have a Tag for all the included Templates of a DocGen run either (Alway, Conditional,and Optional Selected) This already exists for Attachments <<attchids>> /<<attachnames>>
Support Salesforce Display Hierarchy Structure and Hierarchy field
Salesforce Account object uses ParentId to create a Hierarchy display interface in Salesforce. - Currently, an additional lookup field is required to link all sub Accounts to the Main account for a DocGen hierarchy relationship to work as desired.
Allow Drawloop Access to be given to the Permission Set Group Level.
Currently The access is only available for Profiles, Role, Permission Set and Group.We would like to request you to add access to the Permission Set Group as well.
There is Row Replication feature, but a feature for direct column replication would be great. Currently, the only solution for Column Replication is Excel As Middleware.
Route eSign Envelopes to the selected Sub Account for Shared eSign Templates
In DocGen for Salesforce + eSign Delivery - When a eSign Template has been Shared to a Sub Account, The Envelope creation is still created in the eSign Parent Account. Currently, the only way to ensure an Envelope is created in Sub Account is to E...
When Merging, Replicating, or Converting to PDF an error occurs due to Smart Shapes. Currently, taking a screen capture of the Smart Shape and using an image is the only alternative.
Support Nintex eSign Envelope Creation for Salesforce Gov. Cloud
Currently, DocGen+eSign+Salesforce Gov. Cloud Environments can Send eSign Envelopes out for signature using DocGen, but nintex can not create the Envelope record or write back any data to Salesforce.
Allow change of content version sharing type from 'V' to 'I' and vice versa, if package is generated by community user. Currently the documents generated by community users are set to default 'V' which does not allow them to edit any fields relate...