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Option for filtering the list of Contacts

On the Run DDP page, I would like to see only the primary contact(s), not all the contacts that are related to an Account.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Setup and Configuration 0 Open for voting

Job Status queue can be accessed by Non System admins with DocGen Admin Permission Set

Job Status Page is not accessible for DocGen Admins
Guest over 2 years ago in  0

Currently, Nintex DocGen does not support including attachments on email templates in Lightning.

No description provided
Guest over 2 years ago in  0

DocGen too should have development and production mode

While building a new module that requires DocGen integration, the testing phase consumes live DocGen counts. Just like Forms or Workflow, ideally DocGen too should have Development mode. That way admins wont consume limited DocGen quota during tes...
Guest over 2 years ago in  0

Currently functionality is limited to the objects related history per name, id, createdby, etc, but does not include the oldValue and newValue to show the actual updates.

With the oldValue and newValue available it will be able to use the package manager and field tagger to assign those fields to a template.
Guest over 2 years ago in  0 Open for voting

Can we allow custom label as well

Currently we are not able to use custom label.
Guest over 2 years ago in DDP Management and Creation 0

Lightning email issue: "Recipient Not Found". Drawloop DocGen requires both contact/lead read ability for the Lightning Email Package to sea

Email issue in Lightning: "Recipient Not Found".Drawloop DocGen requires both Contact/Lead for the Lightning Email Package to search. Users whose Salesforce license is ‘Salesforce Platform’ do not have access to Lead. it needs to default ‘Recipien...
Guest over 2 years ago in Lightning Experience 1

Please upgrade the use of static Ids on the formula fields

Please upgrade the use of static Ids on the formula fields and provide a way to effectively deploy them to rest of the environments. While using a lot of packages, it takes up a lot of manual effort and chances of error missing the ids are more.
Guest almost 3 years ago in DDP Management and Creation 0 Open for voting

Allow for export of Lightning Dashboards -- currently Classic-only

Currently you only support sending Classic-view Dashboards to the output file. Please add support for the newer, significantly nicer Lightning components.
Guest almost 3 years ago in DDP Management and Creation 0

Nintex DocGen for Salesforce should have an option to stop sending scheduled report email when the report contains no records.

There should be an option box i.e. "Stop sending email when no records are found" in the Nintex DocGen package configuration for scheduled report type, and, when it is enabled, the Nintex DocGen should stop sending email to the users. In other wor...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Setup and Configuration 0 Open for voting